Nice Note for Project PUT from Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs

This is an addendum to the post:
PUT Expedition at Willston Multi-Cultural Center Soccer Field and Play Ground, 7/29/2014


From our PUT Expedition at Willston Multi-Cultural Center Soccer Field and Play Ground, 7/29/2014

We sent a note and link to the post we wrote up to Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs.  We got a nice not back from them regarding all the trash we encountered and then picked up:

Emily and Eloise,
Sorry for the delay but there were several agencies involved (and some staff on vacation) — while Neighborhood and Community Services operates the facility, the county’s Facilities Management Department’s contractor empties the trash cans near the soccer field, picnic pavilion and playground, and picks up litter on the ground on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s. Unfortunately, at times, the trashcans are empty and litter is scattered across the site. They said that they will investigate purchasing and installing signage that encourages individuals to put their trash in the receptacles.

It should be such a basic thing and unfortunately even when there are signs, some people choose to ignore them. We appreciate your efforts and wish that others were as committed to keeping the area litter-free. Thanks so much for all you do!

Fairfax County Office of Public Affairs

We at Project PUT sincerely hope that NO LITTERING signs do get posted and that people behave as requested.  We hop that our society can come to understand that littering is not good behavior and for us to achieve a society that does not require a NO LITTERING sign for people know (and behave accordingly) that LITTERING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!


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PUT Expedition at Willston Multi-Cultural Center Soccer Field and Play Ground, 7/29/2014

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